The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

After graduating from Penn State in 1958 and teaching in Candor, New York, I joined The Society of St. Paul, a religious Order of the Episcopal Church in 1961 and have been a monastic ever since. I was ordained an Episcopal Priest in 1984 and made a Canon of St. Paul's Cathedral in San Diego in 2000 where I presently base my ministry. Over the past half century I've been a teacher, licensed health care administrator, Superior of my Religious Order, traveled to Africa and the Middle East to assist Anglican Hospitals where my order served in a capacity as Commissary. I've managed the Order's printing company that published books, calendars, magazines and the first Altar service book in the Ovambo language in Nambia. During my Oregon years I became a Fellow of the American College of Health Care Administrators and served as President of its national Foundation Board for two terms, was a member of the Sandy, Oregon City Council President of the local Chamber of Commerce. I became Rector of the Society of St. Paul in 1989. I was elected Vice President of the Conference of Anglican Religious Orders in the Americas in 1991 and have been its Archivist since 1983. Presently I serve on the Operating Board of St. Paul's Senior Homes and Services in San Diego. In 2008 I became chair of Dorcas House, a Foster Home in Tijuana, Mexico, for children who have one or both parents incarcerated in a Mexican prison. Recently, I was invested as a member of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, which operates the St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital.